Completed Studies

Impact of Hearing Loss on Brain and Cognition in Older Adults

This study examined the cognitive and neural consequences of untreated mild-to-moderate age-related hearing loss in older adults.

Funding: American Speech-Language-Hearing Foundation

Benefits of Social Engagement Using Video Technology for Economically
Disadvantaged Older Adults

This study explored whether social isolation can be prevented with the use of video technology among older adults, specifically those who are economically disadvantaged.

Funding: Discovery Partners Institute (DPI) seed grant

Neural Markers of Subjective Cognitive Impairment

This study examined the effects of subjective cognitive impairment and mild cognitive impairment on semantic abstraction using event-related potentials.

Funding: Alzheimer’s Association New Investigator Grant (NIRG-i 1-173815)

Neural Markers of Strategic Learning in Individuals with Subjective Memory Impairment

This study examined strategic attention and learning in young adults, normally aging seniors, and individuals with subjective cognitive impairment using event-related potentials.

Collaborator: Dr. Daniel Llano, UIUC

Strategy-Based Cognitive Training in Individuals with Mild Cognitive Impairment

This study examined the effects of two short-term group-based cognitive training programs in participants with mild cognitive impairments.

Funding: CHAD Pilot Grant

Supporting Social Engagement Through Technology for Older Adults With and Without MCI

This study was aimed at establishing feasibility and proof-of-concept of the OneClick video chat platform as a tool for social engagement for older adults with and without mild cognitive impairment.

Funding: NIH Small Business Innovation Research grant (1 R43 AG059450-01)